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07 févr. 2006

The British passion for sports: Its particularities and its limits

Dissertation - 9 pages - Sport

The former British athlete Sebastian Coe declared on the 12th November that “he wanted to tap into United Kingdom's passion for sports” by presenting the London Olympic bid. It is indeed undeniable that sports have a significant place in British society. There are at least 36 million...

20 août 2004

The Power of the Big Three

Dissertation - 10 pages - Relations internationales

"Big Three? is a word that came into being in February 2004 as the French President Mr. Chirac, the British Prime Minister Mr. Blair and the German Chancellor Mr. Schröder met in Berlin. The alliance between Germany France and the UK may seem obvious to a reader. However these countries have...

27 avril 2008

Public opinion and environment

Dissertation - 5 pages - Sciences politiques

A strong link between the environmental issues and the public involvement has been established since the end of the seventies (Kaase 1982). The resolutions 37/7 (28 October 1982 relative to the Nature World Chart) and 45/94 (14 December 1990 relative to the protection of environment) of...

15 mai 2008

Russian Civilisation

Fiche - 5 pages - Management organisation

How to deal with Russia? It is the major issue for French companies which are trying to expand in this country. How to understand its way of doing business, how to behave with the Russian businessmen? To be able to create a real commercial link with Russia today, it's necessary to...

12 avril 2011

Marriage is an event, which has lost all it meaning, and above all, it does not last anymore.

Thèse - 10 pages - Philosophie

“Will you marry me?” Here are some words that we often listen or read, which explains a simple thing, marriage. But what is the real meaning of this word, marriage? Through times, the definition of it has evolved, and it is not possible to give a complete answer to it. Some people...

03 août 2008

Strategic marketing: Crédit Agricole (2008)

Étude de cas - 20 pages - Marketing bancaire

Nowadays, everything is about ?networking'. People interact with each other in their personal as well as their professional life; on a regional, national and or an international basis; through networking. Networking has created a stage where human beings can get in touch with each other and...

29 avril 2009

Sovereignty inside the States

Commentaire de texte - 2 pages - Sciences politiques

This document is based on Thomas Blom Hansen and Finn Stepputat's article: Sovereign Bodies. Sovereignty is often described as the link between a state and its territory. If we refer to the definition of philosophy given by the Stanford Encyclopedia, we will discover that sovereignty...

02 mai 2009

Religion in American Politics

Dissertation - 3 pages - Sciences politiques

I would like to start this essay with a quote from Abraham Lincoln who declared: "My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right". This famous quote highlights that the close links between religion and political life in...

02 mai 2011

Women and Space in the book Jane Eyre

Fiche de lecture - 6 pages - Littérature

Jane Eyre is an influential novel by Charlotte Bronte published in 1847 and is certainly one of the most famous classic texts of all time. It is obviously written from the person's point of view, besides, when it was initially published, the subtitle was “An autobiography”. Jane Eyre...

20 avril 2012

L'Allegorie du patrimoine or The invention of the Historic Monument (&translated by Lauren M. O'Connell) by Françoise Choay

Fiche de lecture - 10 pages - Littérature

L'Allegorie du patrimoine or The invention of the Historic Monument (&translated by Lauren M. O'Connell) was written by Françoise Choay. She was born in 1925 in Paris, has been a historian of the theories and of the urban and architectural forms. She is an emeriti professor at the university of...

14 août 2014

Relationship marketing

Dissertation - 4 pages - Théories et stratégies marketing

As everybody knows, marketing is a science which studies how to deal with customers and partners in order to facilitate sales of goods or services. Currently, many people, especially consultants, stress on the marketing relationship between corporations and customers. We can note that customer...

23 juin 2011

Final assignment research methods for managers

TD - Exercice - 4 pages - Management organisation

1. During the seminar we worked with the following cases: a. Color chips b. Computers S and L c. Make or buy d. Reallocating vehicles e. Scheduling personnel f. Assigning planes g. Public health Describe briefly the main lessons that you got from each one of these cases. 2. Explain with...

04 Oct. 2014

The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life by E. Durkheim

Fiche de lecture - 5 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales

The subject of this essay is Emile Durkheim's book ?The Elementary Forms of the religious life'. Hence we will explain why and how E. Durkheim tries to find such elementary forms of religious life. We will first underline that this aim is not limited to Emile Durkheim's theory, as we...

25 Janv. 2007

Individual identity and global information. The global village (Mac Luhan)

Dissertation - 7 pages - Médias divers

This paper will discuss how individual identity is constructed in an environment of global information and media flows, and will examine how valid Marshall Mac Luhan's global village concept is, in this environment. The pattern of our everyday lives has made us aware of the numerous changes...

22 juil. 2014

Racism in contemporary America. Permanence, diminution or transformation?

Dissertation - 18 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales

All across the world, the United States of America is often considered through myths, symbols and simplifications. The bubbles of their Coca-Cola, the strength of their athletes, the height of their skyscrapers or the lively melodies of their pop stars would be, in many people's mind, enough...

13 juin 2007

John Barry, social theory and the environment, London: Routledge, 1999, chap.5 "Gender, the nonhuman world and social thought" & Mary Mellor, "Eco-feminism and environmental ethics: a materialist perspective", in Michael E. Zimmerman (ed.)

Fiche de lecture - 3 pages - Sciences politiques

The first text, “gender, the nonhuman world and social thought”, presents the concept of eco-feminism by highlighting the links between environment, gender and social theory. The main movements within eco-feminism are explained with both their advantages and limits. The author...

02 avril 2008

Business plan: the Wifi car system

Business plan - 14 pages - Électronique, mécanique, ingénierie & technologie

It is important to choose the right time to start a company, because it is function of the economy. In fact, it is easier to start a company when the economy is bad, as the company will be able to commence its functions when the economy re-starts. In this case, we will study the feasibility of...

03 juil. 2007

Social and cultural structures in English litterature: "Mikhael Bakhtin and Jude the Obscure"

Dissertation - 7 pages - Littérature

The Bakhtinian analysis of texts allows the reader to realize what an important part language plays in the understanding and interpretation of a novel. He explains how the different forces (centripetal and centrifugal) which drive the writer during his work may be recognized and how heteroglossia...

23 juil. 2014

Management of labor and job insecurity: the example of sorting postal employees (1946-1980)

Dissertation - 7 pages - Micro-économie, emploi-chômage

The perception of job insecurity in a state administration, the Post Office, from 1946 to 1980, should help realize the nature of link between work organizations and the employment status of postal workers. Traditionally, this period of strong economic growth is regarded as a period marked...

21 mai 2008

Emotional intelligence and leadership

Dissertation - 10 pages - Psychologie

For a very long time, in common sense, the only intelligence was measured by the intelligence quotient. Indeed, in each company, intellectual intelligence took precedence over the other kinds of intelligence. People who showed their emotions were seen as weak persons. This period is completed. A...

17 Mars 2009

The development of various forms of resistance -economic, ideological, political- to British policies in North America from 1763 to 1776

Dissertation - 5 pages - Histoire contemporaine : XIXe, XXe et XXIe

"Whence precede these laws? From our government. Whence that governement? It is derived from the original genius and strong desire of the people ratified and confirmed by the Crown. This is the great chain which links us all, this is the picture which every province exhibits? J. Hector St....

20 Mars 2009

The sustainable development of the canal from Nantes to Brest

Dissertation - 9 pages - Écologie et environnement

The Canal de Nantes à Brest is a French canal that links the two cities of Nantes and Brest through Brittany. This canal, which is an artificial navigable waterway, links the above two cities and is believed to have originated in the 16th century. There is no doubt that the Canal is...

19 Janv. 2012

A review of 'The human web: A bird's-eye view of world history' by J.R. & W.H. McNeill

Fiche de lecture - 8 pages - Littérature

In this book, the authors propose to traverse the field of world history and 'to know how the world got to be the way it is' through the theory of webs of exchanges and communication. Schematically a web is 'a set of connections that link people to one another' and is...

26 juin 2013

Assess and discuss the role and influence of Europe in Balkans

Étude de cas - 4 pages - Sciences politiques

The Balkans are located at the crossroad of Europe and Orient and have undergone several influences. They have been under the Byzantium, Ottoman and Communist Yugoslavia's rules and all these legacies have influenced the region's identity. Europe influenced it as well, even if the region has...

19 Oct. 2012

Customer loyalty in B to B

Étude de cas - 14 pages - Stratégie

Companies are not just looking to improve their relationships with their partners, but also to consolidate the links between them to customers. A satisfied customer is the basis of market development. Indeed, sales of the company at any time depend on two groups: new customers and regular...

24 Oct. 2013

Essay on Arcadia: How does Tom Stoppard explore the relationship between chaos and order in Arcadia?

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

As a postmodernist play, Arcadia appears to be a ‘melting-pot' of contrasting themes, ideas and theories resulting in an intellectual reflection on life in its diversity. In this sense, there is a clear attempt from the author to extract order from utter chaos. Nonetheless, the opposite...

06 Janv. 2014

Violence of the British oppression and how Gandhi answered to it

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Concerning the study of the nationalist movement in India several series of studies followed one another. It seems however in a general way that the study of the nationalist movement in India suffered from an often excessive attention carried to Gandhi leading to neglect the importance of the...

02 févr. 2012

Initiation au logiciel MATLAB

TD - Exercice - 5 pages - Informatique

MATLAB (MATrix LABoratory) est un logiciel de calcul scientifique qui permet de résoudre différents types de problèmes scientifiques et en particulier les problèmes d'automatique. Il possède un langage de programmation puissant qui peut faire gagner beaucoup de temps à l'utilisateur. Après le...

11 févr. 2013

The East Asian model of economic development and developing countries

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Jong H Park is a professor at Kennesaw University, where he works at the the Department of Economics & Finance, Coles College of Business. In 1991, he got a PHD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he also graduated with a Master. The THE EAST ASIAN MODEL OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND...

30 mai 2014

How to prevent another desert war?

Dissertation - 5 pages - Relations internationales

My purpose here is not to draw the historical background of the Western Sahara conflict (as it has already been done) but to give some insights on how to prevent another war in the unstable area of Maghreb. The Western Sahara is known to be the last colony of the world that has existed in spite...