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21 mai 2023

Étude de la mise en place d'un contrôle d'accès dans les Smart Grids

Mémoire - 80 pages - Informatique

La sécurité des systèmes d'information est devenue l'un des sujets de recherche les plus actifs au cours de ces dernières décennies, cela en raison de l'environnement de moins en moins confiant dans lequel ces systèmes sont englués. En effet, les systèmes d'information prennent de...

30 déc. 2024

Analyse des risques - Links Capital

Étude de cas - 9 pages - Informatique

Vous travaillez présentement comme analyste Sécurité de l'information au sein de la compagnie Links Capital. Le travail consiste à : - Effectuer une priorisation des risques identifiés et proposer un plan de traitement pour les 2 risques les plus importants de chaque actif ; -...

07 Sept. 2014

Discuss the link between procurement, sourcing, suppliers, and production strategies in supply chains

Dissertation - 8 pages - Logistique

The mission of supply chain management is to have processes integrated between the functions of the firm. Consequently, procurement, production, distribution, and marketing are members of a network. The vision of the supply chain management is to deliver value to customers. Moreover, the...

08 août 2014

Microcredit is imperiled in India by defaults

Commentaire de texte - 3 pages - Théories & notions économiques

The article is about the private micro-credit industry, collapsing in Andhra Pradesh, the Indian's largest state. Many borrowers have stopped repaying their loans. This movement was initiated by politicians because the industry would earn too much on the backs of the poor. Indian banks are...

27 Sept. 2008

Modelling the interest rate risk management with portfolio selection: the case of Crédit Foncier de Monaco

Étude de cas - 40 pages - Finance

Since the primary activity of banking is the intermediation between borrowers and lenders, its core business is the transformation of collected deposits into distributed loans. This process generates a net interest margin in the profit and loss statement but engenders financial risks in the...

21 Mars 2014

The link between the movie and poverty. They shoot horses don't they? By Sydney Pollack

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Littérature

They shoot horses, don't they ? is a testimony of how far people can be controlled by poverty, and their struggle for success. The purpose of the marathon is not really to make a couple winning the 1500$, it's more to entertain the public. The public wants to see the couples fail one after...

22 Mars 2022

Quels sont les mécanismes pour mettre fin à une crise ?

Cours - 16 pages - Politique économique

Pour sortir l'économie de ce cercle vicieux, seul l'État peut jouer un rôle suffisant selon les partisans de l'interventionnisme keynésien. Il peut en premier lieu faire une politique budgétaire. L'État reçoit des impôts « T » et verse des dépenses publiques « G » : « T-G » est...

05 mai 2015

Link between the new items of the Self-representation's grid and Rorschach quotations

Dissertation - 7 pages - Psychologie

It is a paper presented at the International Congress of the International Rorschach Society and Projectives Methods at Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium July, 22-25th 2008. The work presents to propose new quotations in Rorschach test: « h »,« hd » and « a »,« ad » regarding to the new...

11 mai 2012

Le réseau par défaut ou « Default Mode Network «

Dissertation - 16 pages - Psychologie

L'activité cérébrale au repos ou resting state network a fait l'objet de nombreuses recherches notamment en imagerie cérébrale. Il est donc important de faire le point sur l'état des connaissances sur le réseau par défaut (RPD) qui sont basées sur l'expérimentation humaine et...

28 févr. 2017

Les banques et le financement durable forment-ils une alliance naturelle ?

Mémoire - 24 pages - Économie générale

Dans Business Cycles (1939), Joseph Schumpeter déclare que le capitalisme est « cette forme d'économie de propriété privée où les innovations sont mises en oeuvre par le capital emprunté ». Il insiste sur l'importance du financement dans l'économie, qui est à l'origine du...

03 mai 2006

The nature and the historical importance of the known links between Dublin and England

Dissertation - 4 pages - Histoire médiévale : Moyen-âge

In September 1170, Dublin was captured by the Anglo-Normans under the commandments of de Cogan and le Gros; henceforth England's relationship with Ireland became a mix of colony and feudal lordship. The presence of Anglo-Normans in Dublin can therefore conventionally be dated after the 1170...

13 déc. 2012

Analyse du document : The link between supply chain and financial performance - Supply chain management

Commentaire de texte - 3 pages - Finance

Robert D'Avanza, Hans Von Lewinski et Luk N. Van Wassenhove, trois chercheurs en supply chain, ont réalisé en 2003 des recherches concernant le lien de la supply chain avec les performances financières des entreprises. L'objet de leur étude était la pertinence de la supply chain et son rôle au...

10 Sept. 2013

Caractérisation des systèmes SLI (Scalable Link Interface)

Cours - 12 pages - Électronique, mécanique, ingénierie & technologie

Un système est un ensemble isolé de dispositifs orientés, qui établit un lien de cause à effet entre des signaux d'entrée (appelés excitations) et des signaux de sortie (appelés réponses ou mesures). Ces deux types de signaux peuvent se distinguer aisément, dans la mesure où les excitations sont...

25 avril 2011

les partis en Allemagne

Étude de cas - 2 pages - Union Européenne

Germany is a federal parliamentary republic that is based on representative democracy. The Chancellor is the head of government and federal legislative power is vested in the Bunderstag and the Bundesrat. There is a multi-party system that has been dominated by the Christian Democratic Union...

21 Sept. 2014

Philips Wouwerman, Taste and market in the 18th century

Mémoire - 11 pages - Histoire de l'art

Philips Wouwerman was born in Haarlem in 1618. He was the eldest son of the painter Paul Joosten and Susanna van den Bogert. His two brothers, Pieter and Johannes Wouwerman, were also to become painters. Philips probably received his first painting lessons from his father. According to Cornelis...

29 Oct. 2014

Philips Wouwerman, Taste and market in the 18th century - publié le 23/09/2014

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Sciences de l'éducation

Philips Wouwerman was born in Haarlem in 1618. He was the eldest son of the painter Paul Joosten and Susanna van den Bogert. His two brothers, Pieter and Johannes Wouwerman, were also to become painters. Philips probably received his first painting lessons from his father. According to Cornelis...

15 Oct. 2014

The consequences of the financial crisis on theory and practical aspects of asset management

Mémoire - 55 pages - Finance

2007 is going down in history with the subprime phenomenon which came as a surprise to all market observers. According to P. Artus, Director of the Economic Research at Natixis , the word subprime was mentioned in 6,000 articles in the international press in 2006, 32,000 during the first 6 months...

12 juil. 2014

Roots and Impacts of the Credit Crunch

Dissertation - 17 pages - Économie internationale

In 1970, three major events have stimulated the financial market and have lead to a necessary increase of its use and its scope. These events are: - the adoption of a floating change system in March 1973 ; - the increase of the American deficit ; - the American choice of the loanback pension (The...

28 Mars 2022

Étude d'une base NOSQL - Redis, avec son écosystème environnant

Étude de cas - 15 pages - Informatique

Redis est une base et entrepôt de données NOSQL exploitant la notion de pair (clé, valeur). Chaque donnée/valeur est stockée à l'intérieur d'une clé. Tout se passe comme s'il s'agissait d'un dictionnaire conséquent régi par l'ensemble de ces clés, et qui plus est...

15 Mars 2004

La couche liaison - cas du Logical Link Control

Dissertation - 45 pages - Informatique

Le niveau liaison contrôle les communications entre des sites "voisins" reliés par une voie physique point à point. Il fournit les moyens aux entités de réseau d'établir, maintenir et libérer une ou plusieurs liaisons de données. Le niveau liaison masque les caractéristiques de la couche physique...

24 Sept. 2014

International Trade: How has NAFTA affected the economies of these countries?

Dissertation - 12 pages - Économie internationale

World trade is ruled by a lot of free trade agreements. These agreements permit countries to trade more easily and without barriers or protectionisms. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is one such example. This is a trilateral free trade deal between USA, Canada and Mexico. NAFTA was...

23 août 2010

Risk management : three study cases about credit and operational risk

Étude de cas - 11 pages - Management organisation

You will be examining three organizations. Each organization is slightly different. Your task is to determine several strategies to mitigate the credit or operational risk in each organization. For each firm, describe the recommended strategy and discuss the position of the firm. The credit or...

26 Sept. 2014

The introduction of Islamic banking in France: A research on the potential market for retail Islamic banking

Mémoire - 37 pages - Finances publiques

This study provides an assessment on the current problems and progresses made in France for the introduction of Islamic banking into its economy and contains an evaluation and an analysis of the potential market for Islamic retail banks in France. The research is divided into two distinct...

16 août 2014

The Franco-German relationship in the energy transitionThe Franco-German relationship in the energy transition

Dissertation - 45 pages - Relations internationales

The close relationship between France and Germany on the energy plan began after World War II with the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). It was an international organization which purpose was to unify European countries after the war. Thereby the Franco-German relationship has been the...

21 Nov. 2007

La gestion des risques dans les opérations bancaires d'entreprises

Mémoire - 73 pages - Finance

Currently the banking sector is in complete transformation and develops more and more complex financial operations. The Cooke ratio device was introduced in 1988. With many limits, it did not allow banks to minimize their risks. The Basle 2 Committee is always in charge of formalizing the...

16 févr. 2008

L'Oreal crisis scenario (2006)

Étude de cas - 31 pages - Marketing luxe

This summary has been provided to allow top managers and executives at L'Oreal a rapid appreciation of the content of this report. Those with a particular interest in the crisis scenario management and communication may read the report to take advantage of the more comprehensive description of...

09 Oct. 2009

Intervention sociale d'intérêt collectif (ISIC) au Conseil Général pour les bénéficiaires du RMI

Dissertation - 7 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

Dans le cadre de ma formation d'assistante de service social, j'ai effectué mon stage de 3ème année dans un Service Social Départemental (SSD). C'est sur ce site que j'ai effectué une intervention sociale d'intérêt collectif. Le SSD dépend du Pôle d'Action...

21 juil. 2014

From the Great Powers to the European Union: assess and discuss the role and impact of the European influence in the Balkans

Dissertation - 4 pages - Relations internationales

On the 21st of July 1774, the town of Kuchuk Kainarji in Bulgaria was the scene to the signing of the treaty that would end the Russo-Turkish War. From then on, the history of the Balkan peninsula would coincide with the receding of the Ottoman empire and the expansion of European influence....

07 Mars 2010

Local vs Global

Étude de cas - 15 pages - Stratégie

Companies are confronted by two types of pressure: the global efficiency and achievement of a local sensitization facing the different national markets. The pressures linked to the efficiency and which incite to the coordination and global integration of activities can be grouped together in four...

11 juil. 2014

Exercices on risk management

Cours - 4 pages - Management organisation

The exercices in this document deal with the different risk measures, the paramaters of the VaR model, the evaluation factors of risk management capabilities and define some concepts. Extract: "Describe the advantages and disadvantages for each of the following risk measures: DV01 (2) Advantages...