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30 Sept. 2009

DreamShare business plan

Business plan - 15 pages - Design, PAO, création digitale

We are going to launch an innovative community website in France. The company responsible will be a partnership. The product and the Company will have the same name: Dreamshare. Our concept is pretty similar to the concept that our competitors have come up with (Myspace, Facebook). Though we are...

30 Janv. 2011

Relationships between the USA and the UK

Lettre type - 5 pages - Histoire médiévale : Moyen-âge

The particular and strong links between the USA and the United Kingdom emerged between 1607 and 1733 with the establishment of 13 colonies by the Empire of Great Britain on the Atlantic Coast of North America. Following the signing of the United States Declaration of Independence in 1776,...

21 juil. 2014

The self in Consumer Behaviour research

Dissertation - 3 pages - Théories et stratégies marketing

Many consumer behaviour researchers suggest that 'consumers are what they consume'. This assertion could be the slogan of 'Nike Corporation'. This firm is a reference to Publicity and Marketing in our days. The goal of marketing tools is to suggest to consumers that they are what...

05 févr. 2015

China & Japan

Dissertation - 7 pages - Relations internationales

Sino-Japanese relationships are very complex. Historically, both countries have known a kind of “Golden Age” when they dominated the Pacific region. Before the arrival of the Europeans, China was dominant. Then Japan modernized a lot during the Meiji Era (1868) and became superior. Even...

12 Nov. 2007

To what degree does the evidence of contemporary cross-strait relations support the view that Taiwan and Mainland China are experiencing not only economic but also political convergence?

Dissertation - 5 pages - Relations internationales

In 1949, after having lost the Chinese Civil War against the CPC, the Kuomintang retreated from Mainland China and established a government in Taipei, the largest city of the Taiwan Island, while continuing to claim its sovereignty over the whole China. At the same time, the People's Republic of...

07 juil. 2008

Compare the 1997 Asian financial crisis with the subprime crisis

Dissertation - 4 pages - Finance

The subprime crisis was triggered by an expectation of defaults of payments on subprime mortgages in the US. It is an on-going crisis that has already led to the free fall of the US housing prices, billions of losses by banks, and generally speaking a slow-down (maybe a recession) of the...

04 Oct. 2014

What can the study of religious specialists tell us about power relationships in a society?

Dissertation - 6 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales

Priests, Prophets, Shamans, and Diviners, seers, mediums, witches, sorcerers and magicians: what can be the links between all those social functions? First of all, they are all religious specialists in their respective cultural and social context. All of them have a special rank, status...

04 Oct. 2014

Symbols reflect social values and relationships

Dissertation - 5 pages - Sociologie & sciences sociales

We can define symbols as ''something that stands for something else'' and that would mean that symbols are always a reflection of something. Given that definition, we can say that the aim of the anthropological studies of symbols is to find the meaning of symbols and what they...

12 Janv. 2007

How to use rumours as a marketing tool?

Mémoire - 68 pages - Théories et stratégies marketing

Change and Transition is everywhere. It is prevalent in our lives, our careers, our family values, and so on. Advertising also is part of a nuclear world. Advertising a new product in today's age and time is totally different from what it was nearly 10 years ago. For decades, consumers have...

29 Oct. 2014

"Brand Senses" management

Étude de cas - 19 pages - Marketing sensoriel

Brand sense is based on an exclusive global study of branding and sensory awareness. According to Lindstrom, 'brand sense is of five different senses, which are touch, taste, smell, sight and sound. These five senses affect the brand creation and retail experiences'. In fact, people's...

23 juil. 2014

The rise and limits of populist parties and movements in Europe

Dissertation - 6 pages - Vie politique et élections

Any success of a populist party is often considered as a threat, a rise endangering Democracy. Even if there is a lot of passion over this issue, it is true that there has been a rise of populist parties in Europe, from the 1980s to late 1990s, a rise which has stabilized or reversed recently....

25 juil. 2007

Churchill & Roosevelt during the Second World War: The Special Relationship

Dissertation - 8 pages - Relations internationales

The 7 December 1941, Japan attacked the American fleet in Pearl Harbor. From then on, the war is no more only European but officially global. The next day, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, president of the United States, declared war on Japan. With the coming into play of the American giant, the...

05 mai 2008

Describe the distinction between Internalism and Externalism about moral motivation. Does Smith's argument against externalism work?

Dissertation - 5 pages - Philosophie

Moral motivation has always been the ground for fierce battles between different ways of thinking. The link between a belief and the will to act in accordance with the belief is indeed a mysterious problem. Many answers were found, and two schools emerged and opposed on the ground of moral...

24 mai 2008

Fair trade in Europe: overview and perspectives

Mémoire - 75 pages - Économie générale

Fair trade is a movement born after the Globalization. It's a consequence of the growth of exchanges. To develop their economy, countries have been forced to trade with their neighbors and the territories around them, etc…Finally countries have abolished their barriers and established...

02 Janv. 2014

To what extent French Regional authorities EU representations are relevant?

Étude de cas - 7 pages - Union Européenne

Regional and local authorities are nowadays completely part of the European Union policy-making process. They are now almost 200 regional organisations in Brussels (Greenwood, 2011) and they emerged massively in the mid-1980s during the rise of the Single European Act (SEA) and the establishment...

17 juil. 2023

Are beautiful politicians more likely to win?

TD - Exercice - 13 pages - Psychologie

The paper deals with the question : "Are beautiful politicians more likely to win?", a homework made for a Political Psychology class. We're interested to learn how nonverbal cues impact the voters, even when they do not intend to do so. The paper explores how attractiveness can impact...

26 Nov. 2010

Pathe: Internal and external analysis of the company

Thèse - 70 pages - Cinéma

Pathe is a French movie company. This company was founded as Societe Pathe Freres in Paris in 1886, by four brothers: Charles, Emile, Theophile and Jacques Pathe. First, thanks to Charles Pathe, the company became a major producer of phonograph records. Then he decided to extend his company to...

06 févr. 2011

Chemical Bank: Implementing the Balanced Scorecard

Thèse - 13 pages - Management organisation

In 1993, Chemical Bank and Hanover Corporation concluded a merging process. The new larger banking company was better-positioned to compete with other major players in the market. Michael Hegarty, the head of the Retail Bank Division of Chemical Banking Corporation, wanted to transform the bank...

06 Mars 2014

HRM in companies: Ryanair, IBM, Google, IKEA

Étude de cas - 12 pages - Stratégie

The best-fit approach underlines the importance of assuring that HR strategies are performances. This takes into account, through the circumstances of the organization's culture, operational processes and external environment. Thanks to that, HR strategies consider two points, the organisation...

20 Mars 2011

International marketing communications: How can Skoda use social media to its benefit?

Thèse - 7 pages - Marketing tourisme

It's important to introduce our project with an analysis of the main characteristics of the media we will use in our creative strategy for Skoda. A study conducted on the European Companies on the Fortune Global 100 list, shows relevant numbers in regard to using Facebook and Youtube in marketing...

07 Sept. 2014

Knowledge management - Richard Florida and the raise of the creative class

Dissertation - 8 pages - Communication

Globalization, coupled with the technologies of communication, has changed our world deeply in less than twenty five years. Richard Florida, the American urban studies theorist, offers interesting analyses of these phenomena by studying what he called the creative class. Florida acquired his PhD...

05 Oct. 2009

Commentary ? To Be a Pilgrim, Joyce Cary

Fiche - 7 pages - Philosophie

Extrait: With man's advances made in the field of the farming of land and technical progress, nature is most of the time considered to be more and more modified, more and more domesticated by human beings. The modification of nature seems to be one of the main subjects tackled in To Be a...

29 Oct. 2014

Branding and Sensory Awareness: Theory and Case Study of Abercrombie & Fitch

Étude de cas - 18 pages - Marketing sensoriel

According to Lindstrom, the author of ‘BRAND sense', brand sense is the integration of the five of the senses - touch, taste, smell, sight and sound. The five senses play a key role in the brand creation and retail experiences. In fact, people's senses usually influence their choice, for...

22 mai 2007

Der Bürgerkrieg in Libanon und die Taëf- Akkorden (1975-1990): Ausspiegelung einer unmöglichen Religiös sowie politische Vielfalt im Nahost?

Mémoire - 22 pages - Sciences politiques

Kaum einen Konflikt hatte die weltlichen Meinungen so dramatisch geprägt wie der Bürger, der die Libanon zwischen 1975 und 1990 erkannt hatte. Besonders in den westlichen Demokratien, die kulturelle und politische enge Linke mit diesem Land unterhalten, waren die Etappe dieser vielgestaltigen...

27 févr. 2008

What is the relation (if any) between virtue and human flourishing?

Dissertation - 7 pages - Philosophie

When you shout at a passer-by in the street, and ask him what would be the most important goal in his life, he is likely to answer, like a majority of people that he wants to live happily. Then, we should raise the question: how could we achieve this happiness? More than two thousand years ago,...

28 avril 2009

The Linguistic Minority Groups in a Comparative Perspective: Spanish, French and Swedish

Dissertation - 14 pages - Union Européenne

In this essay I will try to study the status and the existence of the Swedish speaking Finns in a wider perspective. I personally think that comparisons and international studies are a way to improve the study of a phenomenon. That's why I will try in this essay to give a different way of...

27 mai 2008

Interest groups in the EU's social policy

Dissertation - 7 pages - Sciences politiques

In order to create appropriate and legitimate policies, the European Union's institutions maintain relationships with the civil society, which take different forms. Interest groups are one of these intermediary organizations that link European institutions and the citizens of the EU....

13 août 2014

E-Business assignment

Dissertation - 10 pages - Marketing NTIC

We are living in a world where globalization is more and more used to manage it. Firms like Mittal Steel, which is the world's largest and most global steel company are present all over the world. This strategy allows realizing scale economies and on the whole, reducing all the costs but...

06 Sept. 2014

Cause marketing: Trend or basic notion of marketing?

Dissertation - 11 pages - Management organisation

“1 liter bought, 10 liters extracted in Niger with UNICEF”; for four months we could see this inscription on the Volvic water bottles (to February 15th until June 15th 2007). Since few years we can see this type of shares progressively growing. In the aim to understand this phenomenon,...

28 Janv. 2008

The suburbs in France: Drugs, violence & riots

Dissertation - 12 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique

This paper gives the reader an introduction to a real French suburb. Recently, the suburbs of France are quite in the picture of the world's media, because of the several riots in November 2005 and even now at this moment. On October the 27th it will be precisely one year ago that the hype...