Reebok case study "Reebok: In pursuit of Generation X"
Étude de cas - 5 pages - Marketing sportif
Reebok is a large and technological footwear company founded more than 110 years ago. Reebok's history started in 1895 in the United Kingdom, and continued in the United States. It became an international company at the end of the 80s. Today, Reebok's products are sold in 170 countries. This...
L'évolution des primes de risque de défaut suite à la crise des subprimes
Dissertation - 7 pages - Finance
La crise des subprimes a vu les marchés du crédit corporate se tendrent, occasionnant un élargissement des spreads de défaut. Le coût de la dette a atteint des niveaux records pour les émetteurs, le marché se tournant vers les actifs réputés sans risques, selon des phénomènes de flight to...
Country risk analysis for foreign businesses in Italy 2011
Étude de cas - 11 pages - Stratégie
This work presents a country risk analysis in a particular country that has been recently found at center of Europe's economic crisis. Indeed, this country is Italy, which both economically and politically, has undergone a period of worsening along the recent years. Although Italy has a...
Dérivés de crédit de première génération
Cours - 8 pages - Finance
3 grandes classes : - Produits dérivés sur le risque de défaut (credit default derivatives) = pour protéger 1 partie de leurs utilisateurs contre la survenance d'1 ou plusieurs évènements de crédit (défaut de paiement) = les + innovants. - Produits dérivés sur marge de crédit (credit...
Impact de la réglementation sur l'innovation financière: un état des lieux
Dissertation - 4 pages - Finance
Le terme "innovation financière" est sur utilisé pour définir un changement de champ, de gamme ou de délivrance des services financiers (Mathews & Thomson, 2008). En début d'année, The Economist (2012) dressait une liste des innovations financières marquantes créées depuis le développement de...
Travaux pratiques : Oracle LO51
Dissertation - 15 pages - Informatique
Industrial network: Providing specifically adapted products for customers
Dissertation - 3 pages - Management organisation
The economies of scale, defined as the reduction in cost per unit resulting from increased production realized through operational efficiencies, constitute one of the key goals for firms to improve their competitiveness. But this productive model seems to be in the same time contradictory to the...
Les Swaps de défaut
Dissertation - 9 pages - Finance
En 2001, le montant des transactions liées aux swaps de crédit atteignait environ $536 milliards. En 2004, ce montant s'est élevé à $3 846 000 milliards de dollars (en valeur nominale), selon la Bank for International Settlements. Cet essor de transaction de « swap de défaut » est en partie...
Facebook and social networks - to transform a community in economic value
Présentation - 84 pages - Marketing des médias & communication
Today, 300+ million people have a Facebook account online. In less than 6 years, this website has been able to reach a quarter of the whole internet population. Facebook is now, the leading online social network and is a game changer in the internet world. Online social networks are becoming a...
The Argentina Crisis - The IMF's Guinea Pig
Dissertation - 12 pages - Économie générale
In 2001, Argentina, the former model pupil of the International Monetary fund of the nineties, declared default in all its public debt. This is one of the most harrowing economic crises in the history of Argentina. Several crisis-fighting actions like the freezing of bank accounts or the...
La gestion du risque crédit
Dissertation - 7 pages - Finance
Cours complet d'école de commerce relatif à la gestion du risque crédit. Il aborde notamment la titrisation, les credit default swaps (CDS), ou encore, présente le concept de Value at Risk (VaR) de crédit. Vous y aussi trouverez de nombreux schémas et tableaux pour une meilleure...
Vergleichende Entwicklung der Parteiensysteme Deutschlands und Frankreichs seit 1945: Von unterschiedlichen Basen zu identischen Herausforderungen?
Dissertation - 24 pages - Sciences politiques
Seit mehreren Jahren sind Begriffe wie Parteienverdrossenheit oder Krise der politischen Repräsentativität immer häufiger benutzt worden, um die Lage der Parteiensysteme in zwei der bedeutendsten Demokratien Westeuropas, bzw. Frankreich und die BRD, zu charakterisieren....
A Guide for your first steps in SEO
Thèse - 6 pages - Informatique
The term "search engine" is usually used to describe crawler-based search engines and human-edited web directories. Search engine optimization involves achieving the highest position or ranking practical in the natural or organic listings on the search engine results pages after a specific...
How strategy and network changes are linked?
Dissertation - 12 pages - Management organisation
This paper focuses on the relation between the network changes and the strategy of an organization. It also provides a description of the links between those two concepts. The network change is an essential part of the understanding of industrial network. Its importance is related to the...
The declaration of one's insolvency: content, documents to join and cost
Dissertation - 4 pages - Finance
In 2005 French legislation, concerning the companies in trouble has recently undergone deep modifications (Law 2005-845 of July 26th, 2005 of the book VI of the Commercial Law). Henceforth, there are 3 collective procedures: - Safeguard procedure - Judicial recovery procedure - Winding up...
EPTI : configuration d'un serveur FTP sécurisé
TD - Exercice - 4 pages - Informatique
Lancer le fichier d'installation « FileZilla ». Il faut ensuite sélectionner un type d'installation standard, puis laisser dans la liste déroulante : « Install as service, started with Windows (default) » et laisser le port par défaut (14147). Sur l'écran suivant, laisser aussi...
Communication about our defense against alleged anti-competitive conducts
Dissertation - 10 pages - Union Européenne
Last Monday, we received a request for information from the DG COMP of the European Commission. The European Commission claims that a number of European and non-European companies have complained that our company is hindering competition in different ways, in particular: - By treating more...
Social Bookmarking with the main emphasis on Digg and Delicious
Étude de cas - 30 pages - Comportement des consommateurs et clients
The Internet is inconceivably huge. There are more than 50 million unique websites and somewhere between 30 and 60 billion unique web pages. For ages, people have been asking each other about books they might like to read. People rely on other people's opinions more than any advertisement....
Mai 1968 in Frankreich: die Rolle der Intellektuellen
Dissertation - 10 pages - Histoire contemporaine : XIXe, XXe et XXIe
Die Bewegung Mai 1968 hat die ganze Welt berührt. Ich werde zunächst eine kurze Chronologie skizzieren. Durch zwei Länder ist diese Bewegung nach Europa gekommen und durch die amerikanische Musik und Kultur wurde die europäische Jugend stark geprägt und beeinflusst. Die Situation im Frankreich...
High Speed 1 - a Public Private Partnership success?
Étude de cas - 6 pages - Management organisation
The Channel Tunnel Railway Link (CTRL), now called High Speed 1, is the first high-speed railway constructed in the UK, significantly reducing the journey time from 3h to 2h15 for London-Paris Eurostar passengers and offering a potential for freight use. HS1 Ltd is the organization that...
Darwin and darwinian infuence on Thomas Hardy (Jude The Obscure) and Lewis Carroll (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and through the looking-glass)
Mémoire - 58 pages - Littérature
Charles Darwin's theories upon Evolution had a great impact on the scientific world in the nineteenth century, and contributed to change with respect to mentalities in a well-established Victorian society. He is mostly remembered for his conception of Evolutionism based on his theory... : "The place to share your dreams
Étude de cas - 9 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Globally our concept is quite similar to the one of our competitors (Myspace, Facebook etc), so in the way we are a community Website. However, we propose one main innovation: the travel dimension. That is our USP. We are unique because we link the community and the travel website aspects....
Harley Davidson case study
Étude de cas - 13 pages - Brand management
Harley Davidson, more than a simple motorcycle brand, is a real religion, with its fervent passionate riders. Talking about Harley Davidson, it's talking about a living myth, about a strong community sharing American values such as patriotism and freedom. It's talking about a chosen way of live!...
The fashion's effects on the stock markets?
Dissertation - 12 pages - Finance
In this final assignment of Technical Analysis and Market Psychology II, I would like to give another point of view on what determines the rise or the fall in stock markets. The basic view of stocks is that the stock markets will provide events that will make people happy or optimistic. In the...
Music and politics (2004)
Dissertation - 16 pages - Sciences politiques
Art is often seen as a way to escape from reality, to enter a new universe, and indeed it is. Art has to create emotions, to make people understand how irrational their life can be or sometimes just to make the beauty hidden from their eyes appears. And nobody knows how Art manage to touch so...
Diplomatic relations between the US and the EU since 1989
Dissertation - 14 pages - Sciences politiques
Transatlantic relations between the USA and Europe went without saying for near two centuries. As a matter of fact, this close relation reflects a shared culture, fueled by successive waves of immigration of Europeans to the land of plenty. But, if these diplomatic bounds were between...
What are the main causes of social exclusion?
Dissertation - 4 pages - Questions sociales, morales & enseignement civique
Shot in black and white cinema verity style, Hate (La Haine) follows a day in the life of three aimless, violence-prone, ethnically-diverse young men who hail from the same decaying housing project in Paris. Mathieu Kassovitz won the Best Director prize for this realistic movie at the Cannes Film...
The distinction between internalism and externalism about moral motivation. Does Smith's argument against externalism work?
Dissertation - 5 pages - Philosophie
Moral motivation and the way it functions have raised many theories, still debated today. There are two main theories under discussion; internalism and externalism about ethical motivation, both of them being central in the explanation of the mechanism that lies between moral judgements of an...
Service operations management
Cours - 6 pages - Management organisation
The service concept which will be analysed throughout this report concerns the after-sales service of the branch Alcatel's Enterprise Solution Division. This branch of the French company Alcatel provides worldwide companies with solutions of telecommunication that include phones and systems....
Nature of Relations between the Nonprofit Sector and the State
Dissertation - 8 pages - Sciences politiques
The idea of civil society represents a complex concept, which includes several different roles. Stating its nature and its goals in one definition is a challenge. Usually, civil society is described as a space, different from the market and the state, where citizens can be engaged with each other...