Does Décathlon have the optimum STP to maximize its growth?
Étude de cas - 20 pages - Marketing sportif
The French sports article market is doing well, with good opportunities in the medium term. However it is a very competitive market and newcomers do not hesitate to implement aggressive strategies. In 2003, the French sports article market was the most important in the whole of Europe with a...
America's war in Vietnam
Dissertation - 21 pages - Histoire contemporaine : XIXe, XXe et XXIe
Today the vast majority of puzzled mankind associates the word "Vietnam" with the cruel war, which erupted in this small Southeast Asian country. This cruel war was the result of the repercussions of the Second World War This war, was led by the United States. However, the reason for this...
Marketing plan: fresh juice
Étude de cas - 9 pages - Brand management
As a young health-oriented student I decided to launch the idea to bring health products to people instead of the other way around because these days everyone is concerned with being healthy and slim (clearly evidenced in the number of people sporting; the numbers of light-products, ). At...
The Distribution of French Cinema to the United States
Dissertation - 68 pages - Cinéma
In regard to the past of French Cinema and the global Cinema Market, is it possible for French Cinema to distribute profitably to the American Market? French cinema sees itself as being the great innovator in style, treating movies like a cultural heritage. The United States has always considered...
The Sportswear Industry : Boom or Gloom ?
Étude de marché - 50 pages - Management organisation
The sportswear industry has witnessed a transition phase in the past few decades. Indeed, the beginning of the 1970s saw the athletic sportswear evolve from specific product lines striving to target and migrate the small and unique markets into mainstream fashion products. The distinct...
The term globalization used in relation to a host of social, economic, cultural and political processes
Dissertation - 12 pages - Relations internationales
Globalization is easier to describe than to define. This is because, in its present form and usage, it is a new, complex, dynamic, multidimensional, and worldwide phenomenon, which means different things to different people and different things to the same groups across time and space. It evokes...
Sales assistant at Sabotage wines, Melbourne, Australia
Mémoire - 16 pages - Management organisation
Sabotage Wines was founded in 2001 by the French winemaker David Baldet with the French style wines sourced from low yielding cool climate grapes from Victoria, in Australia. The principal customers are restaurants, wine bars and liquor stores. In this company, my mission was to sell the Sabotage...
International market strategy for Organeat
Étude de cas - 18 pages - Stratégie
The consumption of organic products is primarily to engage in a process conducive towards farming, which is humane, sustainable and inclusive. It is a way to rule in favor of the emergence of a new society, respecting the man, his environment and the fate of future generations. These are some...
Philips Wouwerman, Taste and market in the 18th century
Mémoire - 11 pages - Histoire de l'art
Philips Wouwerman was born in Haarlem in 1618. He was the eldest son of the painter Paul Joosten and Susanna van den Bogert. His two brothers, Pieter and Johannes Wouwerman, were also to become painters. Philips probably received his first painting lessons from his father. According to Cornelis...
Business plan : The Green World
Business plan - 37 pages - Marketing distribution
"The Green World" aims to create the first organic products distribution centre in the "Alpes Maritimes" department for hypermarkets. Our company's main founder is a former purchaser of food products in Carrefour. For the last five years he has been coaching small and medium-sized...
The Judgment of Paris: Welcome to the New World of Wine
Mémoire - 7 pages - Théories & notions économiques
On May 24, 1976, the InterContinal hotel in Paris was the theater of the biggest disruption ever to happen in the small world of wines. However, none of the actors present at the time were aware of the implications it would later have, and especially not its organizer, British wine-lover...
The Grameen Bank in Bangladesh
Étude de cas - 11 pages - Finance
Where businesses cannot develop, countries cannot flourish. Let us use this International Year of Microcredit to put millions of families on the path to prosperity. I extend my gratitude to the nation and people of Bangladesh for helping to show us the way. the former UN general...
Le Manoir des Abeilles- Principles of purchasing
Étude de marché - 18 pages - Stratégie
Outsourced Category: Raw materials: - No value adding producing flour or eggs - Quality ingredients require specialists suppliers Car fleet / oil / water / electricity etc.: - No interest at all to produce it (except maybe electricity) Transport: - Little company: small investment...
Analysis of Nespresso's targets - publié le 02/11/2006
Étude de cas - 8 pages - Théories et stratégies marketing
The usefulness of marketing is well renowned and appreciated world wide. However, a large number of small companies do not wish to have a strong marketing policy owing to its excessive cost. Its mode of functioning also seems to be difficult to master. Hence some feel that the ?real...
The Danone Case: can a firm combine profits and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?
Étude de cas - 70 pages - Stratégie
First, to hit the high degree of competitiveness, it becomes necessary for the firm to keep the competitive advantage by dealing with new concepts such as the environment, respect of human rights and social activities. Indeed, the traditional factors such as product, price, place, promotion seem...
Structure of french food service sector
Étude de marché - 69 pages - Brand management
France has a large and highly fragmented food service sector with many small to medium-sized players. During 2005, the French HRI food service sector served approximately 9,121 meals. Sales reached 72.93 billion Euros. The General food service sector picked up in 2005 after experiencing an...
Explanation of the factors that might influence an entrepreneur's decision to start up another new venture following the failure of their business
Dissertation - 4 pages - Stratégie
Each year in the United Kingdom over 300 000 businesses have set up, and 300 000 have closed down. Half of these new businesses cease trading within three years of being created, lowering small businesses average life down to five years. Among the failed businesses, only 10% close...
Eastern and Central European Countries: Slovenia
Étude de cas - 17 pages - Marchés étrangers
The Republic of Slovenia is a country located in the heart of Europe between Austria (North), Hungary (East), Croatia (South) and Italy (West). Its capital is Ljubljana. It became an independant state in 1991 and a member of the European Union on May 1, 2004 and it's also a member of the...
Relaunch the BMW C1 - advertising copy
Étude de cas - 9 pages - Marketing automobile
Introduced in 1999, during the car fair trade of Frankfurt, the BMW C1 scooter was a breakthrough in the two-wheeler world. It was the first scooter that you can ride without wearing a helmet. It is an advanced hybrid form between an automobile and a motorcycle. After having sold 10,614 units in...
Describe the major differences in interests and perspectives of the member states of the European Union on Iraq and the US policy
Dissertation - 15 pages - Relations internationales
The Iraq conflict uncovers difficulties for the member states of the European Union to find a common position in the context of the Common Foreign and Security Policy. This essay describes the major differences in the interest and perspectives of the member governments on Iraq, and the US policy....
Switzerland and globalisation
Cours - 8 pages - Marchés étrangers
In the context of our globalisation project, we had to choose a country, present it and show how it deals with this era of globalisation. We chose Switzerland because we thought that it was one of the best examples of globalisation. Effectively, before the phenomenon of globalization as we know...
Market research: Mobiles in Ireland
Étude de marché - 18 pages - Marketing NTIC
In Ireland at present there are three leading network suppliers for the mobile phone industry. These are Vodafone, O2 and Meteor. While these three networks dominate the market between them there are a number of smaller networks such as the network 3 Ireland that are beginning to enter the market...
Research Paper: Airbus vs. Boeing - In which company a potential investor should rather invest in ?
Étude de cas - 10 pages - Économie internationale
The demand for Air travel has increased tremendously over the past thirty years. From a human perspective, it has proven to be an ideal way to connect remote areas of the world, which would otherwise have more limited possibilities for economic development. For example, air transport helps...
E-business, three case studies - Spreadshirt,,
Étude de cas - 8 pages - Digital & e-marketing
Case 1 - is a new website which allows to create its own shirts, apparels and to personalize a lot of items (mugs, aprons, bags, etc..). It is a German company which received several prizes for its business idea (for instance, the Hewlett Packard Business Innovation Award 2004)....
Relations between Norway and the European Union
Dissertation - 11 pages - Union Européenne
During a speech in Birmingham in 1904, British politician Joseph Chamberlain said: "The day of small nations has long passed away. The day of Empires has come". Although pronounced a century ago, these words could still apply to the European integration today, and reflect Europe's move...
Beneteau, an international market's leader
Étude de cas - 39 pages - Stratégie
Beneteau, the giant in the nautical industry, was founded by Benjamin Beneteau in 1884, with the creation of a familial shipyard. After the long wars period, the apparition of the polyester had cost the yard to develop itself considerably, by starting a mass production. Thus, Beneteau has really...
Philips Wouwerman, Taste and market in the 18th century - publié le 23/09/2014
Étude de cas - 11 pages - Sciences de l'éducation
Philips Wouwerman was born in Haarlem in 1618. He was the eldest son of the painter Paul Joosten and Susanna van den Bogert. His two brothers, Pieter and Johannes Wouwerman, were also to become painters. Philips probably received his first painting lessons from his father. According to Cornelis...
LEGOLAND - Analysis of the toy industry
Étude de cas - 14 pages - Stratégie
Before conducting an in-depth analysis of the toy industry, we will deliver a brief presentation of Lego, which is the core of the subject. Lego is a Danish company, which was founded in 1934, by Ole Kirk Christiansen. The core activity of Lego is the conception and manufacture of educational...
Forcelink communication campaign (December 2010)
Étude de cas - 8 pages - Marketing tourisme
Forcelink is a company which proposes an innovative service to improve work efficiency. It is a mobile workforce management system that allows any organization to issue work electronically to their field staff and receive update from staff, via standard WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)...
Growth and development: Case study of Rahmqvist
Étude de cas - 38 pages - Management organisation
We will in this thesis examine the growth and development opportunities for Europe's largest organisation within direct sale, i.e. Rahmqvist. The empiric will be analysed and evaluated with a base of theories. The main bottom theory used is the SWOT analysis, but in order to make a more thorough...