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02 Mars 2006

La Grande-Bretagne et l'Union européenne

Dissertation - 11 pages - Union Européenne

“We always come back to the same dilemma: in or out of Europe. To be in or out of Europe, that is the question.” Ces quelques mots prononcés par Tony Blair le 27 juillet 1999 expriment parfaitement l'ambiguïté de la relation qui existe entre la Grande-Bretagne et l'Union Européenne...

29 Sept. 2006

En quoi la netiquette est-t-elle le reflet des pratiques abusives de l'Internet ?

Dissertation - 6 pages - Économie générale

La netiquette est l'ensemble des règles d'éthique du net qui visent à protéger les internautes et favoriser le respect mutuel. On parle de nethique, c'est-à-dire de l'ensemble des principes moraux qui régissent le comportement des internautes dans les réseaux de télé-information. A l'origine...

03 Sept. 2013

Personal case : Is IT useful for SMEs, and if yes, in which way?

Étude de cas - 12 pages - Stratégie

The use of Information and Communication Technologies by Small and Medium Sized Companies (SMEs) have the potential to enable these businesses to growth through access to new markets and administrative efficiencies. However, the growth of the SMEs is hindered by their inability to adopt IT...

20 Oct. 2014

In company project, final report : Costa Croisières

Étude de cas - 24 pages - Marketing tourisme

Our report intends to provide COSTA CROISIERES with useful data regarding the Cruise Market in China on one hand and expatriates' needs and expectations in terms of a vacation on the other. The main purpose of this report is both to analyze deeply and try to come up with relevant...

19 Nov. 2010

Research methodology to arrive at the recommendations to improve businesses advertising and marketing strategies for a client

Thèse - 20 pages - Cinéma

The aim of this report is to make recommendations to our client CS in order to improve businesses advertising and marketing strategies. The company has been established for 10 years but through poor advertising has not reached its full potential that the owner enthusiastically believes it can...

24 juil. 2014

Territorial development, venture capital

Dissertation - 18 pages - Stratégie

If you have a great idea for a business but no money or if you have a small company with potential for tremendous growth but need more funding to make it happen, then you might look for venture capital to help turn your dreams into reality. In 1953, the US Congress voted the small...

18 juil. 2014

Fusions et acquisitions - opportunities and objectives to be established for success

Dissertation - 10 pages - Finance

David Kuchen began to work in an investment banking division in a Canadian bank. As he likes challenges and wants to build his own business, he created and ran his business in investment banking. But the company did not have the size that Kuchen wished. So he studied marketing, strategy and...

31 Janv. 2008

Opening a restaurant

Étude de marché - 54 pages - Nutrition, alimentation & diététique

With annual sales exceeding $376 billion, the food service industry is the largest retail industry in the United States. The industry employs over 11 million people in more than 830,000 food service establishments and, on a typical day, almost one-half of all adults are food services patrons. The...

27 juil. 2006

Knowledge, growth without scale effects, and the product life cycle

Mémoire - 260 pages - Économie générale

For several reasons, knowledge cannot be treated like any other commodity. One of these reasons is the non-confrontational nature of knowledge, which means that one person's use of certain knowledge does not diminish the relevance of another person's use of the same knowledge (at the same...

10 avril 2014

Software development

Étude de cas - 25 pages - Management organisation

The aim of this report is to critically evaluate the international strategy of a small or medium enterprise in the industry of Software Development. In order to achieve this goals the French company: ‘Axège' have been chosen by the author, as it tries to respond to the current...

29 Oct. 2014

International consumer behavior: India, a new line of toaster ovens

Étude de cas - 17 pages - Marketing international

The toaster oven is an appliance that constitutes a mix between a conventional kitchen oven and a toaster. It has the weight and the height of toaster and the cooking capacities of a traditional oven. Indeed, the toaster oven is smaller than a traditional one that we generally find in most of the...

21 Nov. 2007

La gestion des risques dans les opérations bancaires d'entreprises

Mémoire - 73 pages - Finance

Currently the banking sector is in complete transformation and develops more and more complex financial operations. The Cooke ratio device was introduced in 1988. With many limits, it did not allow banks to minimize their risks. The Basle 2 Committee is always in charge of formalizing the...

11 août 2014

Marketing and the promotion of Bordeaux Wines in France and abroad

Mémoire - 60 pages - Marketing tourisme

In the past few years, there has been a new phenomenon known as the 'French Wine Crisis'. This industry of French wine previously known as unique and untouchable is now confronted by an international competition that has been able to adapt its products and features for the wine consumers...

27 août 2007

The experience of the Indian and Pakistani immigrant communities in Great Britain from 1948 to 1971

Dissertation - 56 pages - Histoire contemporaine : XIXe, XXe et XXIe

The history of Indian and Pakistani presence in Britain is long as it dates back to the seventeenth century. Yet the influence of the South Asian community was almost insignificant at that time, for its size remained very small. Only after the Second World War (1939-1945) did South Asian...

03 juin 2010

Evolution of the payment by mobile in France

Mémoire - 23 pages - Marketing bancaire

In France, checks used to be the main means of payment, in 1997 it represented 47% of the whole means of payments. However, the usage of checks decreased by approximately 2.4% each year and in 2005, it just represented 28.8% against 37.1% of the bank cards. Bank cards and takings are the two more...

28 févr. 2014

Key success factors in retail industry

Étude de cas - 28 pages - Stratégie

The retail industry is today a huge market where competitors are a lot. In order to overview the market of the retail industry, we will list the main actors in the world: Wal-Mart, Carrefour, Ahold, Kroger, Metro group, Target, Albertsons, Kmart and Tesco. However in order to seize more deeply...

19 Sept. 2007

E-marketing plan for IMPRINT (printing company)

Étude de cas - 15 pages - Marketing NTIC

This E-Marketing Plan is designed to enable IMPRINT to improve its selling performances and to be more competitive in the lithography sector. To explain the proposal concerning an electronic strategy, I added a complete analysis of the company and its external environment as well as a summary of...

11 mai 2011

Analysis of the effects of "country of origin" on KIA

Thèse - 8 pages - Stratégie

The purpose of this paper is to test whether the country of origin of a brand can be used by the company KIA to gain a competitive advantage in certain international markets or not, considering the ever changing business scene that exists nowadays and the strong competition that every company has...

13 juil. 2012

Responsible concepts and start-ups, a new way to differentiate in the international market?

Étude de cas - 35 pages - Stratégie

These last years, we discovered the development of many ecological concepts as sustainable development became respected and understood by people and so consumers. As the Ademe, (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) shows, from 2006 to 2008, 66% of French people feel concerned by...

13 Sept. 2014

Rohm and Haas: Kathon MWX

Étude de cas - 5 pages - Brand management

Since the conception of its new product Kathon MWX, Rohm and Haas has been failing to place it successfully in the market and achieving target sales. Being familiar to a marketing strategy appropriate for large industrial buyers, the company has tried to push its new product through this same...

12 Sept. 2014

Starbucks knows how to make a good coffee

Étude de cas - 35 pages - Brand management

Microsoft, Google, Dell etc everybody knows these famous firms which have conquered the world. What is common among these companies? They all are American and started with the initiative of passionate academics. Over the last few years, a new company has been growing in the world landscape i.e....

11 août 2014

How to build an Offline/Online Marketing Plan?

Mémoire - 40 pages - Marketing tourisme

Looking for an internship is a turning point at the end of any studies. I really wanted to find something in accordance with my personality. The work environment I thrive in is one in which I am involved in competition and challenges. I was looking for the opportunity to take initiatives and be...

10 févr. 2008

Is globalisation sustainable?

Dissertation - 15 pages - Économie générale

Economic globalization is a major driver in today's world and has obvious and hidden implications on business and our daily life, as it is one of the factors of an extremely complex interconnectedness of human life across the planet. Local competition has existed since man was able to travel,...

04 Oct. 2007

Competition between European football clubs

Étude de cas - 25 pages - Stratégie

In Europe, the economical competition is as relentless as the sport competition between professional football clubs and this fight is clearly unequal between the big and small clubs. How can we explain the competitive differences between the best French football club and the best clubs of...

25 Mars 2010

Analyse de la stratégie de vente de l'entreprise "World of Organics", spécialisée dans la distribution de produits organiques

Étude de cas - 3 pages - Stratégie

Supposing I am a senior sales representative for a “World of Organics” in the U.K, my main responsibility is to sell the company's range of Food and Drinks products. I choose to sell products to Granby and ASDA. It is important to know that two kinds of markets have different needs. A...

10 juil. 2012

Football governance: Is the current governance model stable and sustainable?

Étude de cas - 20 pages - Sport

“Organized football” had started as an amateur and European sport. But for fifteen years, football has become a “big business” throughout the world. During the nineties, TV channels have understood the growing popularity of football and have turned this sport from something...

31 Oct. 2014

Zipcar, wheels when you want them

Étude de cas - 18 pages - Marketing automobile

Introduction Our subject is a growing company which is developing in the face of global competition. This company uses new technologies and the internet to be more successful and to have a sustained growth in the future. We chose this company because we are very interested by environmental...

26 août 2014

Global logistics and operations

Cours - 11 pages - Logistique

The Lean Manufacturing is a theory which looks for optimization in goods production through the removal of waste and implementation of flow, in opposition to batch and queue. Originally, there are 7 wastes called 'muda', which are: Overproduction (production more important than demand),...

06 août 2014

Etude du marketing mix de GM China

Étude de cas - 10 pages - Brand management

The company has to invest massively in the luxury car segment because it is lagging in this particular segment. Therefore it has to launch new products in it. The most important luxury brand is Cadillac, which is targeted for the urban individuals in Tier 1 cities where there are lots of...

11 Janv. 2010

Setting-up of Kanabeach in Australia

Étude de cas - 25 pages - Marketing international

We are a part of KanaBeach, a small French company that specializes in the creation of surf-wear and surf-wear oriented products. Our company intends to penetrate the Australian market in June 2010. Australia owns the three major brands on the global market, namely, Quicksilver, Billabong...